
作             者:
總     級     數: 6
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Beginner to Upper Intermediate
C E F R  Level: A1-A1+-A2+-B1-B1+-B2
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★點我前往訂購: 華泰網路書店eShop

Reading with Confidence !

Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies 以對話式閱讀教學(Dialogic Reading)讓兒童自然沉浸於英語閱讀的樂趣之中,並透過多元文體(Genre)及階段性的閱讀技巧訓練,激發兒童閱讀熱忱,同時也培養了自信、自主且富有探究精神的學習者。
◎Appreciation for Reading
◎Common Core Standards
依循美國共同核心標準(Common Core Standards, CCSS) 規劃閱讀課程。
◎Diversity of genres
◎Reading Strategies
文章結合階段性字彙及閱讀技巧練習,另搭配Digging Deeper章節進一步培養學生Critical Thinking (慎思明辨)素養能力,反思文章內容、並以圖表統整資訊。
◎Global Perspectives
延伸閱讀:從小培養ESL閱讀實力!劍橋兒童閱讀選集 Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies

Reading with confidence
Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies is a six-level extensive reading series which delights young learners while improving their reading proficiency through a wide range of genres.
Carefully curated fiction from award-winning authors and illustrators and thought-provoking nonfiction combine with activities and practical teaching ideas to strengthen students’ literacy and appreciation for reading.
Every lesson invites young students to engage with texts linked to a Big Question, explore and enjoy new genres, practice and progress on their path to reading in English. With Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies students learn to tackle any text with confidence.

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Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies Level 4 Student's Book with Online Audio TOC PDF檔 51.87KB
Cambridge Primary Reading Anthologies Level 4 Student's Book with Online Audio Sample Page EXCEL檔 5.53MB